Code of Conduct

Last modified: February 1st, 2020

1. General

The purpose of the MAT Research B.V. (MAT Research) Code of Conduct is to provide a set of guidelines and principles for MAT Research’s employees and affiliates that ensure responsible practices and appropriate standards.

The Code of Conduct outlines guidelines and principles for appropriate and expected standards for ethical conduct, professional conduct, quality standards, communication needs, and community expectations.

MAT Research’s mission

MAT Research’s mission is to aid the transition to human-based pyrogen testing to increase patients’ safety and eliminate the need for animals in pyrogen testing.

MAT Research’s vision

MAT Research’s vision is to be the industry leader advocating for the transition to sustainable biotech solutions.


  1. Lead the development of the transition to the animal-free biotech industry. 

  2. Be a sustainable and financially-sound organization.

  3. Position MAT Research’ for long-term growth, recognizing the importance of its people. 

2. Commitments

Ethical conduct

The Code of Conduct expects MAT Research’s employees and affiliates to adhere to regulatory and statutory laws governing and to: 

  • Not engage in practices restricted by law or professional agreement;  

  • Foster the need for uniform and stringent regulation to assist in the development of this technology for the benefit of society and the environment with appropriate regulation of biotechnology solidly based on values such as autonomy, privacy, beneficence, social justice, and intellectual freedom; 

  • Avoid conduct that will damage the organization’s MAT Research’s employees and affiliates, and observe all relevant obligations and standards of other countries where MAT Research’s employees and affiliates are involved in biotechnology research and development;

  • Support strict regulatory risk management plans and guidelines to ensure compliance with all relevant conditions;

  • Respectfully treat animals and, when at all possible, eliminate their use in research with any disproportionate suffering to animals involved in biotechnology research and/or other parts of industry work to avoid ensuring the highest standards of well-being are maintained;

  • Ensure that the product(s) developed and commercialized have high standards of safety, efficacy, and quality, including: 

    • Ensuring that the provision of our products conforms to the highest standards of safety, efficacy, and quality; 

    • Encourage quality processes that ensure our products are supported by comprehensive technical and informational services following current accepted scientific knowledge and experience;

    • Ensure that all transport of biological materials complies with relevant international, national, and state guidelines for safety in transport and that all exportation and importation of products or materials. 


Professional behaviors

The Code of Conduct expects MAT Research’s employees and affiliates to act with integrity and honesty. Use professionalism in dealing with professionals, public health officials, and the general public;  MAT Research’s employees and affiliates shall at all times in the course of their professional activities consider a person’s individual merit and standing over and above characteristics of age, race, religious belief, sexual preference, cultural or ethnic background, and shall encourage this behavior in colleagues.

Avoid unwarranted statements that reflect upon the character or integrity or knowingly do or cause any activity that reflects badly upon MAT Research’s employees and affiliates or the industry without verifiable cause;  Inform MAT Research’s employees and affiliates if circumstances arise in which their judgment or advice may be called into question due to a conflict of interest or for any reason of business connections, personal relationships, interests, or affiliation.


Information: Ensuring confidentiality and privacy alongside appropriate communication and transparency 

The Code of Conduct expects  MAT Research’s employees and affiliates to:

  • Support the protection of the confidentiality of information, which includes genetic information, and oppose the disclosure of such information without informed consent, which could lead to intolerance or stigmatization;

  • Adhere to strict informed consent procedures, implementing quality processes to ensure that informed consent is obtained from all individuals participating in biotechnology research programs.

Ensure employees are equipped to discharge their responsibilities for transparency and accuracy in communication:  

  • Commit to the transparency of operations and open communications with employees and the public on relevant biotechnology issues; 

  • Develop training and information programs for employees to ensure access to the most up-to-date and accurate information.

MAT Research’s employees and affiliates recognize their responsibility to the community and the environment, including:

  • Support and encourage biotechnology’s role in enhancing a productive, environmentally sustainable, and socially responsible value chain today and in the future;

  • Protect the community and environment from exposure to actual or potential hazards.

3. MAT Researchs Code of conduct implementation

In administering or implementing this Code:

  • MAT Research’s employees and affiliates will ensure that staff and colleagues are made aware of this Code of

  • Conduct and other standards, guidelines, and laws relevant to the safe and ethical conduct of biotechnology activities; 

  • MAT Research will develop training and information programs for their employees to ensure they have access to the most up-to-date information about this Code;

  • MAT Research’s employees and affiliates are to avoid unwarranted statements that reflect upon the character or integrity of other companies or knowingly do or cause any activity that reflects badly upon MAT Research or the industry without verifiable cause;

  • MAT Research’s employees and affiliates are requested to comply with the spirit of this Code of Conduct;

  • MAT Research also recognizes the responsibility to consider deviations by its affiliates from the Code of Conduct and to recommend appropriate responses after a reasonable due process.

Since biotechnology is innovative and rapidly developing, the Code of Conduct will be continually updated to address new issues and new insights that arise in the future.